COMMSSA began 31 years ago, the same year that the World Wide Web became available to the public. I don't think the founders - two of whom are still on the Management Committee, Dr Serge Toussaint and Mrs Monique Malié - could have imagined that, one day, COMMSSA would have its own website and that the use of email would serve as an effective means of communication.
Despite COVID interrupting the year so far, COMMSSA's Management Committee has remained active and focused on raising funds for children in need. We meet at least four times a year as a group to discuss medical cases, review past and plan future fundraising events; our Treasurer presents and discusses their report and we try to find ways to improve our systems of communication.
Our AGM on 31 July this year raised money from subscriptions ($2120), from donations ($1680) and from food sales ($2989). I thank all those of you who attended and who contributed. At the AGMs, we try to keep the formalities from being too lengthy, but we must follow the correct procedures demanded by charitable organisations. In sending to most of you the AGM papers by email this year we saved not only a significant sum of money on postage but also a lot of time for the Committee members who, previously, used to fold hundreds of pages to be put into envelopes which then had to be labelled, stamped and posted.
I am well aware that the most anticipated part of the AGM is the food fair that follows. Every year I can see people dashing off to buy dhal puris, di pain frire, gateaux piments, octopus curry, biryanis, napolitains and other delicacies as soon as the meeting is closed. This year was no exception; the sum raised from the sale of food says it all.
We have some exciting events on our social calendar between now and the end of the year. In February a Dance will be held for which tickets will be on sale soon. And watch out for the Annual Raffle - there is a generous $2000 cash first prize and other great prizes to be won. Tickets will be on sale in the near future.
For those of you who have longed for our Quiz Night, I am pleased to let you know it will be returning in June 2023
Now that you've found us don't forget us!
Keep in touch: visit our website from time to time to see what COMMSSA has been doing, what we have achieved and what functions are coming up. We love seeing you at our events; and if you have never attended one of our famous fundraising functions please do so, come along and bring others with you, We look forward to meeting you
Dr Mariam Bahemia
President and joint Medical Director.